Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The Black Bread Tag Invasion 2008

The Bread Tag is an icon of our societies endless craving for nourishment; physical, emotional, or spiritual.  The Bread Tag is also a tool to keep our nourishment fresh whilst we construct and devour the sandwich of life.
During recent IUFT missionary work in South East Asia, members conducted a social intervention project in several countries.  The purpose was to pass on the strength and resourcefulness  of the mighty Bread Tag to cultures that are unfamiliar with this foreign object.
Unlike our society, the indigenous people of these countries were well nourished; physically, emotionally, and spiritually, before our intervention,  but unlike our society they do not endlessly crave the bread of life. 
As a result, this powerful icon was placed on t-shirts and printed black; the colour that contains all colours, to represent the strength of the individual.  The shirts were distributed to people who embrace each day and keep it fresh, despite of having no Bread Tags.
The intervention will last the lifetime of the shirts, but the Black Bread Tag invasion will be felt forever.