Monday, July 24, 2006


UPIIDD stands for Unauthorized Public Instalation and Internet Display and Distribution. The project is an experiment in the crossover between the virtual space and the analogue world. Ideas that begin in the analogue imagination, get created and disseminated in virtual space, then recreated for the "real" world in the form of toys and merchandise. I take that by-product, and re-establish it into an appropriate context in the analogue world, then redistribute via the virtual.

Another project from our Ottawa-bureau is Peoples, which involves gluing photographic portraits of peoples at random places. It is a way of capturing a moment in someones virtual echo, and letting it resonate a little more. It is also comforting to know, as any respectable free-thinker should, that everyone can participate the Peoples project, all you need to do is to request a kit by via the IUFT mail hub and start gluing!

UPIIDD1: The Asian MonsterUPIIDD2: Winnie blows honey bubbles for halloweenUPIIDD3: Puff's vacation to Osgiliath, Middle Earth.People1


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