Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Do Not Disconnect Audio Tour - Sept/Oct, 2007

I'm in a group show called Do Not Disconnect with a group of fiber grad students, and my contribution to the show is not dissimilar with the works I did with the Free Thinkers, so I thought I could call this an IUFT intervention. Also, I'm posting the audio tracks here so people can load them onto their own media player when they visit the gallery.

The statement:
Yes, there is an audio tour for this exhibition. During the tour you will hear each artist talk about their artistic practice, everyday life, and the connection between the two. The purpose of this tour is to break down the barrier between the artist and the audience, and in turn promote communication in this earnest and generous gesture. The audio tracks consist of informal conversations rather than the traditional authoritative interview.

You, dear listeners, will be given unfiltered and unadulterated insights into the artists’ minds. Dig it!

This audio tour is an intervention facilitated by Chris Lin, who recorded everyone in the two weeks prior to the opening. The artworks may have changed since the conversation: this is just a natural by-product of documenting a specific time.

Tracks in alphabetical order:
(Right-click and save)
Alee Peoples
Chris Lin and Julie Boyer, collaborator
Eun Hyung Kim
Kim Jackson
Margarita Benitez
Michael Ruglio-Misurell
Rachel Moore and James Knittle, collaborator
Rana Siegel
Shannon Schmidt and Kim Jackson, performer

That is all.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Jimmy's Long Goodbye

Jimmy had struggled with the loss of his dear friend Eerie. It took a year for Jimmy to succumb to his broken heart. We all could sense that the end was near for Jimmy; we all knew he had thrown in the towel. Jimmy was not going to check out without one last final hurrah, if not for himself then for Eerie. The cardboard community has taken another tragic blow. Our societies inability to accept those different from ourselves has claimed yet another life. You will be missed Jimmy, but not forgotten.